為了送行訪問東京站的時候,在地下街發現了寫著“Edo Tokyo Yaesu History”的櫃檯。
On the way back from Tokyo Station, seeing a friend off, bumping into "Edo Tokyo Yaesu History" pictures' wall display in the underground shopping area was a lucky coincidence.
The place is only few steps from Yaesu underground main avenue turing to Sotobori Chika 1st Street to the North Entrance.
在那裡牆壁上裝飾著說明了“八重洲”由來的板子、畫、照片。 江戶時代的城郭都市圖也裝飾著,很有意思。 如果您有去雅蒂卡的話,請一定要來看看。
The display explains origin of the name "Yaesu" with instruction plate and pictures. There also is an old Edo Castle map which would surely interests you. So if you ever have a chance to visit Yaesu underground shopping area, the place is worth stopping over.