雖然不定期給外國來的客人介紹觀光,但是經常會收到想去100日圓店的要求。 因為在銀座附近很少找到,所以我帶您去明治神宮方向的途中的店。 在這樣的情況下,我發現了! 築地有一家新的100日圓店! 今年夏天築地1丁目的藥店向斜對面遷移,2樓變成了100日圓店。 築地→因為去銀座的時候可以順路去,所以可以縮短時間,效率也會變好,真是幫了大忙了。 地點是從晴海大道進入平成大道,經過京橋築地國小的右手邊。
I have been asked by non-Japanese tourists that they would want to go to a dollar shop whenever I have done Tsukiji, Ginza tour guide infrequently. I was not fortunate enough to find an approriate spot around Ginza district, so I have always took them to a shop on the way to Meiji Jingu Shrine. But quite recently, I have found one! A drug store in Tsukiji 1-chome was relocated to the 1st floor of the building accross the street and a dolloar shop opened on the 2nd floor this summer. It became time effective and convenient for guests and myself that we can make a stop over to a dollar shop during Tsukiji → Ginza tour. The shop is along Heisei-dori street, right side after passing Kyobashi Tsukiji Elementary School from Harumi-dori street direction.